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Project Costs & Funding

Isaac Sports Group (ISG), an internationally recognized leading authority on public-private partnerships for natatorium construction, is working with PhilAquatics to determine project costs, construction process, timeline, budget projections, funding viability, and sustainability planning.

Estimated Costs

Based on ISG’s analysis total project costs for the Aquatic Center are estimated to be in the range of $74–88MM, plus $7–14MM+/- in site acquisition costs, based on comparable projects across the country. The Aquatic Center’s annual operating budget is expected to be approximately $3MM in Year 1, growing to $3.5MM by Year 5.

Funding Sources

Capital funds will derive from a mix of public and private dollars through community, business, and organizational partnerships, as well as philanthropic support from foundations, corporations, and individual donors. Sustainable operating and program funds will comprise both earned and charitable revenue.

Earned revenue will include a broad range of fee-for-service and contract opportunities such as memberships, classes, training rentals, community and business partnership uses, aquatic and community events, and individual and business rentals.

Charitable revenue will be derived from a robust development infrastructure that is already underway, designed to support a diversified funding stream. Anticipated sources include corporate sponsorships, governmental and foundation grants, major and planned giving, and individual “pipeline” donors, supported through grant writing, campaigns, appeals, and special events. Future plans include a fundraising feasibility study to assess and document funding opportunities and additional leadership support, and prepare for a comprehensive/capital fundraising campaign.

In addition to capital, operating, and program expenses, earned and charitable revenue also will support a financial assistance program to remove barriers for individuals and families who might otherwise be unable to participate fully in program offerings due to limited means.

With this in mind, we invite you to join our Founders Circle Campaign, along with other visionary early investors who understand the extraordinary potential of the Aquatic Center and feel called to lend their financial support to have an early impact on making the Center a reality.


79 Old Forge Crossing
Devon, PA 19333